application builder中文什么意思

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  1. You can use the components in conjunction with workplace application builder
    可以和workplace builder结合使用这些组件。
  2. Again , it primarily comes down to what requirements an application builder has
  3. In the last part of this thesis , we introduce the component and function of test system , and focus on how to develop the test system in details , include up layer application and device driver , from analyzing to coding . we explain how to develop the gui of test system using photon application builder ( phab ) tools , communicate among processes and schedule the multi - tasks . we also introduce the development of device driver under qnx , include programme of the interrupt handler , management of hardware resource and interface between application and device driver


  1. application binary interface (abi) 什么意思
  2. application blank 什么意思
  3. application blanks 什么意思
  4. application box 什么意思
  5. application buffer 什么意思
  6. application by analogy 什么意思
  7. application by brush 什么意思
  8. application by brushing 什么意思
  9. application by rain gun 什么意思
  10. application by the party on 什么意思


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